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People of IComm ~ How Often Do You Work Remotely?

September 12, 2019 | by IComm Australia

Not only do we help organisations transition to the modern workplace (aka modern ways of working aka new ways of working aka agile working 🤣 - how many different names can one concept have???), but we LIVE the modern workplace! Many of our team work remotely as much as half of their working week... a couple of them even full time!


If you take a look at the last two of the last three posts we've made (HERE and HERE), they've been about remote working, and not only why organisations should be considering the move, but also some tips to help make it work.  These posts are not just fluff and nonsense, theoretical crap that you can find floating out and about in the ether.  At IComm we truly believe in the modern workplace, and allowing our team to have flexible working options - INCLUDING working overseas when family concerns arise... and you know what?  Our team is stronger for it!


Have a watch of some of our team answering how often THEY find themselves working at a location other than our North Melbourne Experience Centre.



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About The Author

IComm Australia

IComm Australia

IComm Australia is a leader in Unified Communications. A Gold Partner with Microsoft, Telstra, Poly, & Jabra, we excel at INTEGRATION between the various ecosystems within the Unified Comms/Microsoft world. We are passionate about enabling organisations to look to the FUTURE and adapt to The Modern Workplace. Follow us on: LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Instagram

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September 12, 2019 | by IComm Australia

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