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Anglicare Victoria: PABX to Skype for Business

October 24, 2019 | by IComm Australia

Before Skype for Business, Anglicare Victoria had an ageing PABX system that was not meeting the needs of the organisation.  They needed a communications solution that would allow them to communicate more effectively both internally and externally to their clients and stakeholders.  Skype for Business has met those business needs and more.

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For more information about Anglicare Victoria's journey to Skype for Business, check out our full case study here: Anglicare Victoria Case Study.



Audio transcript:


Dean Mills:

"So before we were implementing Skype for Business, historically, the organization had its own PABX system and the PABX systems were quite old, they were running out of capacity. In fact, some exceeded capacity, capability. And it was a mixture of a number of different platforms. So what we've done as part of a unified communications platform is standardised, and we've actually enabled a whole heap of different ways in which people can communicate more effectively. The long and the short of it is the PABX systems were no longer providing benefit to the organisation in an optimal manner and it was time to make the change to a software-driven platform for the purpose of collaboration and engagement with in the workforce and external, to our clients."



About The Author

IComm Australia

IComm Australia

IComm Australia is a leader in Unified Communications. A Gold Partner with Microsoft, Telstra, Poly, & Jabra, we excel at INTEGRATION between the various ecosystems within the Unified Comms/Microsoft world. We are passionate about enabling organisations to look to the FUTURE and adapt to The Modern Workplace. Follow us on: LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Instagram

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October 24, 2019 | by IComm Australia

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