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Walk the Talk ~ Q4 FY18

August 10, 2018 | by IComm Australia

Walk the Talk - Recognising Those That Go Above and Beyond

At IComm, we are blessed to have an entire team of people who live and breathe our values. Values that are key to who we are as an organisation, how we conduct business, and how we interact with clients and peers, both in work situations and outside of work as well.

IComm Values

  • Innovation starts with reflection
  • Embrace change as the only constant
  • Accountability is clear and personable
  • Work and win in teams
  • Build our reputation through actions
  • Understand and respect our customers


Roughly 18 months ago, our previous marketing manager spearheaded the creation of an internal award to recognise those individuals that really went above and beyond, voted on by their peers. It is a great way to keep our values forefront in our minds as we work, but also a great way to show our coworkers and peers how much we value their effort. And this is recognition that is well-deserved I might add! Each quarter, there is not just one nominee, but multiple nominees, and the management team has to sift through those to pick a winner. Sometimes it’s a landslide, and others it’s a tough dead heat! I don’t envy management’s task to pick the winner in those cases!

This quarter, we had multiple nominees, but 6 stand outs.


Dale Reeves

Dale "Embraces Change As The Only Constant" when he shows his passion to demonstrate the use of Microsoft Teams. He also "Understands and Respects Our Customers" day to day, including going the extra mile on a recent trip to Singapore for a client deployment, and on our Halcyon twitter account.


James Dell

James epitomises "Accountability is Clear and Personable" by his recent achievement of his personal targets, and really stepping up when a member of our team went on annual leave to ensure there was no gap in account service. He also "Works and Wins in Teams," especially around the support he gives in regards to renewals and special offerings to our clients, and his follow-up is on point.


Brooke Stevens

Brooke "Embraces Change As The Only Constant" when she is continually taking on new challenges and having a go, even though she has been at IComm longer than the founders! She also is daily "Building Our Reputation Through Actions" with her constant striving to take care of our clients, and it shows with the frequent feedback we get from our clients who love her work.


Victor Cruz

Victor "Builds Our Reputation Through Actions," most recently when working on WEEKENDS, under some high stress situations for valued clients. This is also Victor "Understanding and Respecting Our Customers," when one of those valued clients gave tremendous feedback on his work assisting in resolving a very difficult fault.


James Arber

James is a great example of "Innovation Starts With Reflection" in that he is always working on making Skype For Business a better place with his own "magical scripts" which he shares often on his personal blog, He also "Works and Wins in Teams" when we had a project date set and the engineer set to go had personal reasons he was unable to travel interstate, and on a day's notice, James filled in, much to the delight of a very happy client! He always assists with issues that arise and explains outcomes so that we also learn about the tech.


David O'Hanlon

David is another who exemplifies "Accountability is Clear and Personable" and a perfect example was a recent project where he really stepped up and took responsibility for the overal customer experience and outcome. He also "Builds Our Reputation Through Actions" with a recent overseas trip for a client deployment, and really went the extra mile to ensure we had a great outcome.


And the winner is…





James Arber ~ Our UC Mad Scientist!

James was ALSO nominated for "Building Our Reputation Through Actions" when he dealt with and fixed a client issue super quick.


He also was nominated for "Understanding and Respecting Our Customers" because simply put, nothing is in James' too hard basket.

James is always available to help someone with an issue and has proven to be a great mentor to those in our business that maybe don’t have the great technical brain that he does. He’s empathetic, and generous with his time, not only with those of us in-house, but clients on-site, and on the internet, through his blog at, and his active twitter account, @UCMadScientist.

We are blessed and very lucky to have James on the team!

Congratulations James, well deserved!!!



About The Author

IComm Australia

IComm Australia

IComm Australia is a leader in Unified Communications. A Gold Partner with Microsoft, Telstra, Poly, & Jabra, we excel at INTEGRATION between the various ecosystems within the Unified Comms/Microsoft world. We are passionate about enabling organisations to look to the FUTURE and adapt to The Modern Workplace. Follow us on: LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Instagram

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August 10, 2018 | by IComm Australia

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