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Modern Workspace Transformation

Bring your teams closer together and revolutionise your business with a modern workplace transformation

What Is "The Modern Workplace?"

At IComm, we are passionate about modern workplace transformations, and excited to help organisations transition into an environment that truly helps their people.  So we've created a checklist that helps people see where they're at. At its core, the modern workplace needs to check 6 boxes.

Flexible and Mobile

The ability to work anywhere, anytime, and on any device. It's truly that simple. In today's office, gone is the need for 9-to-5 working hours for a good majority of any workforce. The internet connectivity we now have means that all this is possible, and if a business is not embracing it, they will get left behind.

Design that works

Office spaces need to be thoughtful and intentional, using human-centred design to create them, bringing to life spaces that allow for ease of use in different situations - small meetings, interviews, large meetings, collaborative workshops, focus work, and more.  As well, ensuring that the open spaces are pleasing to the eye, and with plant life and natural light to increase mental and physical wellness, and in turn, productivity and creativity, is also a key piece which is what modern workplace transformations focus on.

Smarter technology - efficient and effective

Tedious processes can hinder productivity, as can something as simple as inbox overload. Using effective tech - like chat programs, cloud file storage, and video technology (to name just a few), to allow for more efficient communication and workflows - is key to revamping ways of working when undertaking a modern workplace transformation.

Secure yet transparent

Open communication is a must in the modern workplace, including things like regular updates on how the organisation is doing, how projects are tracking, and feedback sessions, where employees can take ownership of their own path inside the company.  But alongside this, security has never been more important.  Enterprise security in a cloud world is paramount.

Collaborative - in person and remotely

Work teams need to be able to have spaces and technology that allow them to tap into their network quickly and efficiently when working on projects where feedback and brainstorming are key to success.

It's all about... The People

The Modern Workplace takes into consideration how your people work.  Training and change management are cornerstones in the transition phase of a modern workplace transformation, but also mandatory on an ongoing basis to keep up skills, refresh on old ones, and ensure new hires are also fully up to speed on how the modern workplace looks for your organisation.  Your people are your best asset, and worth the investment.

So how do you fare in our 6 item checklist?

Let's have a chat to assess your organisation's readiness or progress along the path to the Modern Workplace.

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